Introduction: Alex Gonzalez
by Alexander Gonzalez
Hello, world!
I’m Alex Gonzalez, and I’d like to introduce myself. Deciding where to start can be tough, so let’s begin where everything changed: March 2020. Like many of you, 2020 marked a significant turning point in my life. At that time, I felt like I was on the right track—I had two close friends as roommates in Orlando, my professional career was taking off, I was working seasonal work at Walt Disney World (as a passion), and I was celebrating my birthday in Puerto Rico with my family. Life couldn’t have been more perfect. However, just a few hours before my flight back home, the world shifted.
The World Shifts
Everything shut down, and the world became paralyzed. Confusion and fear prevailed. Strangely enough, I found myself appreciating the pause, of course not the virus or people getting sick. It allowed me to realize how much I missed my family after being away for so long. So, I didn’t mind staying in Puerto Rico a little longer. But eventually, I had to return to my life in Orlando. While the world had slowed down, it hadn’t completely paused, and I still had responsibilities to tend to. I went back and enjoyed the first three months of complete shutdown. At that time, I was juggling a full-time job and working at Disney two to three times a week, leaving little time to truly slow down.
However, being the busy person I am, I knew I would eventually grow tired of sitting around. That moment came in July 2020 when my state’s government decided to disregard the pandemic and its safety measures, choosing to reopen with minimal precautions. I saw this as an opportunity, initially planning to visit any national park. But my sights were set on Yellowstone. Living in Orlando, Florida, meant Yellowstone was quite a distance away. Nonetheless, Seric, my roommate at the time (and now my boyfriend)[Learn more about him], and I decided, ‘Why not? We’ll be safer on this road trip than here in Florida (Florida had one of the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases at the time, with little protective measures in place). We planned and executed a trip that took us through most of the continental United States, working full-time remotely for our company along the way.
A New World View
That trip changed my perspective on life entirely. It revealed the vastness of the world, whereas before, I had only traveled within Puerto Rico, Florida, the Bahamas, and made a few quick trips to LA and DC. Spending most of my time in tropical places, you can imagine my shock when I arrived in the Pacific Northwest and felt like I had landed on another planet. It was an eye-opening experience, showing me just how little of the world I had truly explored.
Eventually, the trip came to an end, and we returned to our apartment in Orlando. But staying there became increasingly challenging. Don’t get me wrong, Orlando is great with plenty to do. However, having lived there for 13 years, I had exhausted all the possibilities. So, during that time, we embarked on numerous trips, mostly to Puerto Rico, with one to Peru and a few other destinations in the US. This continued until December 2021.
At that point, we realized that our constant travel raised questions about the worth of having an apartment. We were paying rent for a place we barely spent time in, or when we were there we were just planning our next trip. We also felt a growing desire to leave Orlando, although we were uncertain about our next destination.
The Digital Nomad Journey Begins
That’s when we made the decision to become full-time digital nomads and embark on a journey to explore the world. This experience not only allows us to see more of the world but also serves as a search for our next home. And this brings us to where we are today. For the past year and a half, we have been living this lifestyle. Throughout this journey, I have learned a great deal and discovered new things that hold importance for me. One of these passions is photography.
This website came into existence as a platform for me to share the photos I capture with my drone while traveling. I hope to use these images to preserve the essence of what I photograph. As the world continues to change, not just due to the pandemic but also because of climate change, I aim to utilize my imagery to remind people of what we are fighting for and to contribute to its protection.
If any of this resonates with you, I encourage you to follow our journey and connect with us. We are thrilled to be sharing this experience, and we look forward to engaging with you!
Published on: September 12, 2023